P2Pah WoTLK:You can see this on the timeline


New Member
13 Eyl 2023
You use all your cooldowns in the beginning or perhaps a bit WoTLK Gold more than 3 minutes. Make use of all cooldowns at the beginning, as I've shown you. You don't want to wait until icy veins comes off of cooldown to make use of your second arcane power , because when you do, you'll drain your arcane power.

You can see this on the timeline that appears on screen, it is possible to take advantage of all your cooldowns at the beginning. When arcane power is removed from cooldown, use arcane power, and are waiting until later in the fight. Arcane Power and the icy veins will be back at the same time once again prior to the end of the fight. You can also get that awesome burst time again.

And same with your trinkets. So the trinket you own if there is two minutes of cooldown time on a trinket you wouldn't want to buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold use it right after it has been taken off cooldown since you can just wait until icy veins and arcane power are off CD for the final burst window before the fight is over because you know, the fight is going to take about three minutes.