Sharing Refugee Knowledge 2024

17 Mar 2024
Sharing Refugee Knowledge - Empowering Refugees: Abendschule Import at Belluard is a unique program aimed at providing educational opportunities for refugees in the local community. Through a combination of language classes, vocational training, and cultural integration activities, Abendschule Import helps refugees rebuild their lives and establish a sense of belonging in their new environment. I first heard about Abendschule Import through a friend who had volunteered with the program and raved about the impact it was making in the lives of refugees. Intrigued by the idea of using education as a tool for empowerment, I decided to get involved as a volunteer teacher. It has been incredibly rewarding to see the progress and transformation of the students as they gain new skills and confidence. Abendschule Import truly embodies the spirit of empowerment and inclusion for refugees in our community.