Handloom industry 2024

17 Mar 2024
Handloom industry - https://nenow.in/north-east-news/assam/handloom-industry-of-assam-lacks-manpower.html Assam, a state in northeastern India, is facing a shortage of manpower across various industries and sectors. This lack of workforce has led to challenges in meeting production targets, delivering services efficiently, and overall economic growth in the region. As a resident of Assam, I have witnessed firsthand the impact of this manpower shortage on businesses and government services. Many companies struggle to find skilled workers, resulting in delays in project completion and decreased productivity. Additionally, public services are often understaffed, leading to long wait times and inadequate assistance for residents. It is crucial for Assam to address this issue by investing in education and training programs, attracting more skilled workers to the region, and implementing policies to support workforce development. By doing so, Assam can overcome its manpower challenges and foster economic prosperity for its people.